emails are getting scare!

While sitting at home last night, I kept checking my phone for emails.  And, for the first time in a long time, I kept seeing an empty email inbox indicator on my cellular telephone.  Now, I am fine with this because at home at 10 PM the last thing I want to handle is an real estate emergency.

But, what is surprising isn't that clients aren't emailing me.  It's that I am getting less and less  real estate "junk' emails.  Is this a bad sign?

In the course of usual business emails, I get notices from subscribed sites all the time showing me other agents listings and other notices that would regularly be sent out.  But in the last week or two, they are NOT coming.  At least not at the rate they were.

Just goes to show, that maybe, these agents can't afford to anymore.  Or, the property owner lost the property to the bank, or the fact that the agent had to leave the business because of the lack of business.

All I do know is that regardless, I am going to hang in there as long as I can.  And, I hope the same for you, too.

For Information about Las Vegas Commercial Investment Property, contact David Howes at:

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